08 February 2012

Live with Love for happy Life

To live is to love,
And to love is to live.
To have been given life,
To have survived and thrived:
You have been loved by someone.
And so everyone is loved by someone,
But there is no-one who can love everyone,
And there is no-one who can be loved by everyone.
Know that to love and be loved you must first love yourself,
For if you don’t love yourself, how could anyone else love you.
You should only ever love for your own reasons, never somebody else’s,
For otherwise how can you ever truly love yourself, or ever give your love truly.
Live your own life yourself, for yourself; never live through or for someone else,
For how else will you or they ever truly know what it is like to live and be alive.
Know that someone loving you today is no guarantee they will love you tomorrow,
And giving your love to someone is never a guarantee they will return your love.
To expect love is to incite disappointment, to accept love is to relish respect.
Love will bring you joy, comfort and security, but also pain and worry,
But to experience these things is what makes us feel alive.
So be content that you loved, and were loved,
For it is then that we know we are alive.